Procedures as Black-Box Abstractions

Procedures as Abstractions

So far we have defined functions that do a single computation by themselves (such as square, fib, and factorial). You can create a much more complex function by combining different functions, each handling a subproblem of the original problem. We will build on an example of such function in this section and explore the idea of 'functions as abstractions'.

Extended Example: Largest Square

Charlie has a large amount of block (not bar) chocolates, and he wants to show it off to his friends by organizing those blocks in the largest possible square arrangement! So let's say that Charlie has 13 blocks of chocolate. Then the largest square arrangement is a 3x3 = 9 (shown left), with 4 leftovers.

chocolate square

Charlie wonders 'how big can the side of my square be given a certain amount of chocolate blocks?' We can represent this question as a function, (largest-square total guess). The function largest-square takes two arguments: total, which represents how many chocolate blocks Charlie has (in the example above, total is 13), and guess, which represents your initial guess on what's the largest side you can have. This function will output the largest side your chocolate square can have (in this case, 3). We will break this function into subproblems, and put all the pieces together in the rest of this section.

Largest Square: Overview

One thing that may seem odd is the redundant argument guess. You can write a function that does the same thing with just the totalargument. We included guess to add an extra layer of complexity to the question. . Consider guess to be Charlie's estimate on how large he thinks his side can be. In our original example of 13 blocks of chocolate, suppose Charlie takes a guess that the maximum side is 2:

guess leftover next guess
2 13-4= 9 2+1= 3
3 13-9= 4 3+1= 4
4 13-16= -3 4+1= 5

For each function call on largest-square like (largest-square 13 2), we are going to check if the current guess (in this case 2) is good enough. How do we check if our guess is good enough? It is good enough if our next guess uses more chocolate blocks than we have available. If we can guess better, then we use the next guess and call largest-square recursively.

Largest Square: Skeleton Code

Given our intuition in the last page, we can formalize our function definition. If your guess is good enough, return your guess. If you can have a better guess, call largest-square with a better guess

 (define (largest-square total guess)
    (if (good-enough? total guess)
        (largest-square total (next-guess guess))))
If you type the above definition as is (without defining 'good-enough?' and 'improve-guess', what will happen?
If afterwards you type (largest-square 13 2), what will happen?

"Wait wait, you just defined a function, but it calls other functions that aren't defined yet! We haven't defined 'good-enough?' or 'improve-guess'! "

Yup, the definitions of the functions inside are incomplete, but notice that we (the programmers) can understand what the function is doing! We have broken down the problem of finding 'largest-square' into some small problems like 'is it close enough?' and 'improve our guess'. We could've broken the code in a different way, like in every 3 lines, every 5 lines but then each subproblem will not have an identifiable task. Breaking them to a coherent, identifiable task is crucial.

This will be a key idea that we will visit again in the end, but first let's finish the definition.

Largest Squares: Subproblems

Time to do the neccessary work to make the function work!

 (define (largest-square total guess)
    (if (good-enough? total guess)
        (largest-square total (next-guess guess))))


We want to define the function good-enough? that accepts two inputs, total, the total number of chocolate blocks you have, and guess which represents your current guess. It should report either #t or #f depending on whether the next integer will be larger than total

(good-enough? 13 3) Should return #t. The next guess is 3+1=4 and will take 16 squares which is above 13, the total

(good-enough? 13 2) Should return #f. The next guess is 2+1=3 and will take 9 squares which is still below 13, the total

(good-enough? 100 11) Should return #t. The next guess is 11+1=12 and will take 144 squares which is above 100, the total

(good-enough? 100 10) Should return #t. The next guess is 10+1=11 and will take 121 squares which is above 100, the total

(good-enough? 100 9) Should return #f. The next guess is 9+1=10 and will take 100 squares which is equal to 100, the total

Choose what code should fill in the blank:
(define (good-enough? total guess))

Next, we the function next-guess that accepts your current guess, and returns a new number to try next

(next-guess 1) ;;Should return 2

(next-guess 3) ;;Should return 4

Choose what code should fill in the blank:
(define (next-guess guess)

Functions as Abstractions

What can we learn from the square chocolate example? Remember that when we first only define largest-square, we can understand what the procedure is doing, without actually needing to know how good-enough? or next-guess is implemented. We can consider these functions to be abstracted for us; we know what it will output but we don't care * how * it is implemented. As long as they do the right thing, we are happy!

You can also apply this in real life. When we turn on the TV, we never consider "Oh the TV works because we shoot electron across the screen which are guided by electromagnets which allows us to view stuff!". We usually think more along the lines of "If I press this button, I can watch movies". We don't need to know how the TV works to use it; its implementation is abstracted away for us

Internal Definitions

We have defined a relatively complex procedure which depends on other procedures. Now we will see if we can improve the organization of the code!

Notice that our definition of good-enough? and next-guess are very specific to the largest-square problem; we can hardly find any other functions that may use these functions. Also, when Charlie wants to find what the largest square is, he will call the largest-square function and not touch the two helper functions directly. In such cases, it would be preffered to organize our code such that only largest-square has access to those two helper functions

How can we do that? We can define the functions inside the body of largest- square as follows:

(define (largest-square total guess)
    (define (next-guess guess) (+ guess 1))
    (define (good-enough? total guess)
        (< total (square (next-guess guess))))
    (if (good-enough? guess)
        (largest-square total (next-guess guess))))
Given that you defined only the procedure above, what will happen when we call `(next-guess 4)`?

Scope of Variables

(define (largest-square total guess)
    (define (next-guess guess) (+ guess 1))
    (define (good-enough? total guess)
        (< total (square (next-guess guess))))
    (if (good-enough? guess)
        (largest-square total (next-guess guess))))

Previously we mentioned that the functions good-enough? and next-guess are defined only inside the function largest-square. Now that those functions are inside largest-square, we can take other redundant parts out of the function. Notice that next-guess and good-enough? accepts the same total and guess that is passed in to larger-square. Removing the redunant arguments in the two helper functions results in:

(define (largest-square total guess)

        (define (next-guess) (+ guess 1))
        (define (good-enough?)
            (< total (square (next-guess))))
        (if (good-enough?)
    (largest-square total (next-guess))))  

How do you keep track of what is available to a function and what is not? We will spend a lot of time on this in Unit 3. When a function defined inside another function, the one inside has access to variables and parameters of the outer function. Because next-guess is defined inside largest-square, next-guess has access to largest-square's parameters, total and guess.

If you find a mnemonic helpful, consider the outer function as a parent and the inner function as a baby. A parent may lend the baby their stuff (such as a cellphone) but the baby won't let the parents to take away his toys