
What Are Serializers

We introduce an abstraction called a serializer. This is a procedure that takes as its argument another procedure (call it proc). The serializer returns a new procedure (call it protected-proc). When invoked, protected-proc invokes proc, but only if the same serializer is not already in use by another protected procedure. proc can have any number of arguments, and protected-proc will take the same arguments and return the same value.

There can be many different serializers, all in operation at once, but each one can't be doing two things at once. So if we say

(define x-protector (make-serializer))
(define y-protector (make-serializer))
(parallel-execute (x-protector (lambda () (set! x (+ x 1))))
                  (y-protector (lambda () (set! y (+ y 1)))))

then both tasks can run at the same time; it doesn't matter how their machine instructions are interleaved.

But if we say

(parallel-execute (x-protector (lambda () (set! x (+ x 1))))
                  (x-protector (lambda () (set! x (+ x 1)))))

then, since we're using the same serializer in both tasks, the serializer will ensure that they don't overlap in time.

We've introduced a new primitive procedure, parallel-execute. It takes any number of arguments, each of which is a procedure of no arguments, and invokes them, in parallel rather than in sequence. (This isn't a standard part of Scheme, but an extension for this section of the textbook.)

You may be wondering about the need for all those (lambda ()...) notations. Since a serializer isn't a special form, it can't take an expression as argument. Instead we must give it a procedure that it can invoke.

Let's look at a sample of how this code works:

(define x-protector (make-serializer))
(define protected-increment-x (x-protector (lambda () (set! x (+ x 1)))))
> x
> (protected-increment-x)
> x

Implementing Serializers

A serializer is a high-level abstraction. How do we make it work? Here is an incorrect attempt to implement serializers:

(define (make-serializer)
  (let ((in-use? #f))
    (lambda (proc)
      (define (protected-proc . args)
        (if in-use?
             (wait-a-while) ; Never mind how to do that.
             (apply protected-proc args)) ; Try again.
             (set! in-use? #t) ; Don't let anyone else in.
             (apply proc args) ; Call the original procedure.
             (set! in-use? #f)))) ; Finished, let others in again.

This is a little complicated, so concentrate on the important parts. In particular, never mind about the scheduling aspect of parallelism--how we can ask this process to wait a while before trying again if the serializer is already in use. And never mind the stuff about apply, which is needed only so that we can serialize procedures with any number of arguments.

The part to focus on is this:

(if in-use?
    ....... ; wait and try again
    (begin (set! in-use #t)   ; Don't let anyone else in. 
           (apply proc args)  ; Call the original procedure.
           (set! in-use #f))) ; Finished, let others in again.

The intent of this code is that it first checks to see if the serializer is already in use. If not, we claim the serializer by setting in-use true, do our job, and then release the serializer.

The problem is that this sequence of events is subject to the same parallelism problems as the procedure we're trying to protect! What if we check the value of in-use, discover that it's false, and right at that moment another process sneaks in and grabs the serializer? In order to make this work we'd have to have another serializer protecting this one, and a third serializer protecting the second one, and so on.

There is no easy way to avoid this problem by clever programming tricks within the competing processes. We need help at the level of the underlying machinery that provides the parallelism: the hardware and/or the operating system. That underlying level must provide a guaranteed atomic operation with which we can test the old value of in-use and change it to a new value with no possibility of another process intervening. (It turns out that there is a very tricky software algorithm to generate guaranteed atomic test-and- set, but in practice, there is almost always hardware support for parallelism. Look up "Peterson's algorithm" in Wikipedia if you want to see the software solution.)

The textbook assumes the existence of a procedure called test-and-set! with this guarantee of atomicity. Although there is a pseudo-implementation on page 312, that procedure won't really work, for the same reason that my pseudo- implementation of make-serializer won't work. What you have to imagine is that test-and-set! is a single instruction in the computer's hardware, comparable to the Load Word instructions and so on that we started with. (This is a realistic assumption; modern computers do provide some such hardware mechanism, precisely for the reasons we're discussing now.)

To understand how to properly implement serializers, you first need to learn about and understand Mutexes (in two sections).