Homework 14

To work with the ideas in the next homework problems, you should first

(load "~cs61as/lib/concurrency.scm")

Exercise 1

Exercise 3.38, 3.39, 3.40, 3.41, 3.42, 3.44, 3.46, 3.48, of Abelson & Sussman

Exercise 2: Chaining Mapreduce

Write the function real-most-frequent that accepts a list of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the file, and the values are lines from that file (just like our all-songs example) . Our output is again, a list of single key-value pair. You may want to reuse any functions we have defined so far in the lesson.

>(real-most-frequent all-songs)
((i . 4))

Exercise 3: Mapreduce with Streams

Our current mapreduce works with lists. Mapreduce in real life works with really large datasets: so large that a list won't be able to contain them. One way to solve this is to have a mapreduce that works on streams instead of list. You can find our mapreduce version that work on streams here. or at "~cs61as/lib/mapreduce/streammapreduce.scm"

What changed? Our map, sort-into-buckets, and filter works with streams now. What do you as a user need to provide? The mapper and reducer, just like what you did previously. How do the mappers and reducers changed? they don't. The behavior of mapper and reducer doesn't change. You can load the file and try (mapreduce mapper reducer 0 all-songs) where the mapper and reducer are ones you've defined in the lessons. They would work the same way. The only difference is that if all-songs is large, our previous version will crash and brun whereas our stream version would still be able to process it

Exercise 4: Do You Want to be the Very Best?

You have access to a stream of all 744 pokemon data here and "~cs61as/lib/mapreduce/pokemon_data". streammapreduce.scm should load it automatically and define the variable "data" as your input. The key is the pokemon national number, the value is a list of regional number, name, name (yes it appears twice), and the rest are types that they have. For example the first element is (1 1 bulbasaur bulbasaur grass poison) so it has the national number 1, regional number of 1, names bulbasaur, and has the types 'grass' and 'poison'. A Pokemon can either have 1 or 2 types. Here is an example of one that only has one type: (4 4 charmander charmander fire). You can take a look at the input by typing (ss data) in the interpreter after loading the files.

Define the mapper, reducer and base-case such that calling mapreduce with (mapreduce mapper reducer base-case data) would return a list of key-value pairs where the keys are different types, and the values represent how many times a pokemon of that type appears in the dataset. The final result should yield the following (in any order):

((grass . 86) (dragon . 39) (normal . 99) (flying . 93) (poison . 59) (ice . 35) (fire . 58) (ghost . 37) (psychic . 77) (electric . 47) (water . 124) (fairy . 35) (bug . 70) (steel . 42) (ground . 62) (rock . 54) (fighting . 45) (dark . 44))

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