Multiple Superclasses

Multiple Superclasses

It is possible for a class to have more than one parent. We can have a TA class, a singer class, and a TA-singer class.

(define-class (singer)
    (method (introduce) '(I am aiming for MTV awards!))
    (method (sing) '(tralala lalala)))

(define-class (TA)
    (method (introduce) '(GO BEARS!))
    (method (teach) '(Let me help you with that box-and-pointer diagram)) )

(define-class (singer-TA)
    (parent (singer) (TA)) )

(define-class (TA-singer)
    (parent (TA) (singer)) )

> (define rohin (instantiate singer-TA))
> (define mona (instantiate TA-singer))

> (ask rohin 'introduce)
(I am aiming for MTV awards!)

> (ask rohin 'sing)
(tralala lalala)

> (ask rohin 'teach)
(Let me help you with that box-and-pointer diagram)

> (ask mona 'introduce)

> (ask mona 'sing)
(tralala lalala)

> (ask mona 'teach)
(Let me help you with that box-and-pointer diagram)

Note that TA-singer and singer-TA both inherit the TA class and singer class, but in different order. When we ask instances of both class the same message, the first parent takes precedence.

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