

In this subsection, we are going to play around with a calculator program that is written in Racket.

Our calculator program will do arithmetic operations in the same syntax as Racket. Why are we doing this? We want to increase our understanding on how Racket evaluates things. In the next lab, we will add more features to it but for now, all it does is arithmetic operations.

You can download the file from here. You can also copy it to your class account by typing the following into a terminal:

cp ~cs61as/lib/calc.rkt .

Note the '.' at the end. This will copy the .rkt file to your current directory.

The 'READ' function

Before we dive in to the calculator, there is one function we should know: the read function. When you call (read), it will prompt you for some input.

> (read)

In the example above, we entered 123 into the interpreter. The next 123 shown by the interpreter is the value returned by read. So what is it used for? Try this:

> (define a (read))
> a

Here, we are assigning a to the value of your input. Thus, when we type 123 again, we store that value in the variable a. Try the next one for something more interesting:

> (define a (read))
(+ 1 2)
> a
(+ 1 2)
> (equal? a '(+ 1 2))

This time, when the interpreter asked us what value we want to put into a, we typed '(+ 1 2)'. a ended up with the value '(+ 1 2)' and NOT 3. The next line tests whether a is equal to the quoted list '(+ 1 2)'. What can we learn from this? (read) accepts user inputs as symbols; they are not evaluated.

With that covered, let's go to the Calculator program!

Calc: How Does it Work?

Let's run the program and walk through what is actually happening. Load calc.rkt in your Racket interpreter (by typing (enter! "calc.rkt")), then call the function (calc):

> (calc)

Notice that our usual prompt ">" is replaced with "calc:". This is an easy way to know that the expressions you enter which will be evaluated by calc.rkt. Now, try typing some arithmetic operation like (+ 10 20), or some number like 300, and play around with it!

How does it know how to evaluate math operations? Let's look at what the calc function does. Its definition is reproduced below:

(define (calc)
  (display "calc: ")
  (print (calc-eval (read)))

The first line says (display "calc: "), which tells the interpreter to show "calc: " to the 'screen'/output.

flush tells the interpreter to show whatever we type on the 'screen' output (you can ignore this for now).

The next line, (print (calc-eval (read))) tells the interpreter to call calc-eval with the user input and print the result.

The last line is a recursive call to calc, which loops us back to the beginning. This is the read-eval-print-loop (REPL): it asks for some user-input, evaluates it, prints the result, and loops.

This is all that calc does. The calculator magic happens in calc-eval.

Calc: Number Inputs

So what does calc-eval do? Consider a situation where we type a number in calc as follows:

calc: 42

That wasn't a very exciting result, but under the hood, a lot of things are interacting. Because the user input is 42, the calc-eval will be called as (print (calc-eval '42)). (Remember that (read) returns a quoted symbol.) Let's see how calc-eval handles this. Its code is reproduced below.

(define (calc-eval exp)
    (cond ((number? exp) exp)
          ((list? exp) 
           (calc-apply (car exp)
                       (map calc-eval (cdr exp))))
          (else (error "Calc: bad expression:" exp))))

calc-eval's body is a cond, and because the formal parameter exp is called with 42, the first condition (number? exp) will be fulfilled and calc-eval will return exp, which is 42. All numbers are treated the same way. A subtle point here is that this is the base-case. For any arithmetic calculation, the simplest argument that can be passed around are numbers.

Calc: One Operator

The next expression we are going to try is a single operator function call, like (+ 1 1), (* 2 3 10), or (- 100 50 20 10).

calc: (* 2 3 10)

This will call calc-eval as (print (calc-eval '(* 2 3 10))). (Again, remember that read treats user input as symbols.) How does calc-eval handle this?

Test Your Understanding

The calc-eval code has be reproduced for you below:
(define (calc-eval exp)
  (cond ((number? exp) exp)
        ((list? exp)
         (calc-apply (car exp)
                     (map calc-eval (cdr exp))))
        (else (error "Calc: bad expression:" exp))))
What happens when we call the following expression:
(calc-eval '(* 2 3 10))


Our simple expression (* 2 3 10) to calc gets passed in to calc-apply as (calc-apply '* '(2 3 10)). What does it do next? Here is the code for calc- apply:

(define (calc-apply fn args)
  (cond ((eq? fn '+) (accumulate + 0 args))
        ((eq? fn '-) (cond ((null? args) (error "Calc: no args to -"))
                           ((= (length args) 1) (- (car args)))
                           (else (- (car args) (accumulate + 0 (cdr args))))))
        ((eq? fn '*) (accumulate * 1 args))
        ((eq? fn '/) (cond ((null? args) (error "Calc: no args to /"))
                           ((= (length args) 1) (/ (car args)))
                           (else (/ (car args) (accumulate * 1 (cdr args))))))
        (else (error "Calc: bad operator:" fn))))

Notice that the formal argument fn in calc-apply only accepts 4 values: '+, '-, '*, or '/. Everything else results in an error. Calc-apply can be described as "find what function it is and do the right thing". In this case, because fn is '*, calc-apply will call accumulate on args, which is '(2 3 10), and return 60.

Convince yourself that for any of the 4 acceptable arguments for fn, and any list of numbers args, calc-apply will do the right computation.

Calc: Nested Operators

Test Your Understanding

Let's test our calculator program by calling a more complex expression. The calc-eval code has be reproduced for you below:
(define (calc-eval exp)
  (cond ((number? exp) exp)
        ((list? exp)
         (calc-apply (car exp)
                     (map calc-eval (cdr exp))))
        (else (error "Calc: bad expression:" exp))))
What happens when we call the following expression:
(calc-eval '(+ 4 5 (* 10 2) 7))

Compound Expressions

So how does our calculator program evaluate compound expressions? It calls calc-eval on simpler expressions, and recursively repeats this until the expressions are simple enough (just numbers) to simply return the expression. We know that calc-eval and calc-apply works for numbers and expressions with one operator. Everything else is just a combination. Trust the recursion!

Test Your Understanding

Which of the following is NOT a possible call in calc?


In this subsection, you learned about calc.rkt, which accepts an arithmetic expression (operation) as a symbol and evaluates it like a simplified scientific calculator.