
To create an object in OOP, you need to instantiate a class. matt-account and brian-account are part of an "account" class.

> (define Matt-Account (instantiate account 1000))

> (define Brian-Account (instantiate account 10000))

The instantiate function takes a class as its first argument and returns a new object of that class. instantiate may require additional arguments depending on the particular class: in this example, you must specify an account's initial balance when you create it.

Defining a Class

Most of the code in an object-oriented program consists of definitions of various classes. A class can be treated as a blueprint for a certain kind of object: "What should objects of these type be able to do? What variables should each of them know?". Below is the definition of account class. We will implement only one method right now and add on to it later. There is a lot to say about this code and we will explain them one by one.

(define-class (account balance) ;; define a class called account
    (method (deposit amount) 
        ;; objects of this class will have one method called deposit
        (set! balance (+ amount balance))
        ;; deposit sets the balance the the current value plus the deposit amount and then returns the new balance


There's a new special form, define-class. The syntax of define-class is analogous to that of define. Where you would expect to see the name of the procedure you're defi ning comes the name of the class you're defi ning. In place of the parameters to a procedure come the initialization variables of the class: these are local state variables whose initial values must be given as the extra arguments to instantiate. In the example below, the initialization variable "balance" is set to 1000.

(define Matt-Account (instantiate account 1000))

The body of a class consists of any number of clauses; in this example there is only one kind of clause, the method clause, but we'll learn about others later.


The syntax for defi ning methods was also chosen to resemble that of de fining procedures. The "name" of the method is actually the message used to access the method. When we say (ask matt-account 'deposit 50), we are essentially saying "In matt-account, find the method with the name 'deposit and call that method with argument 50". In other words, matt-account will call (deposit 50) .

With the class definition we have now, we can actually do (ask matt-account 'balance). Some might say: "But we did not have any method definition for balance yet!" That is true, but the above code still works. For each local state variable in a class, a corresponding method of the same name is de fined automatically. These methods have no arguments, and they just return the current value of the variable with that name. Because we have state variable balance when we instantiate matt-account, we have a method of the same name 'balance for free. This is one way we can create a state; we will see an alternative for this later.


In the body of deposit, we've introduced a new procedure, set! This procedure changes the value of a state variable. Its first argument is unevaluated; it is the name of the variable whose value you wish to change. The second argument is evaluated; the value of this expression becomes the new value of the variable. set! changes the value of a variable, but does not return anything.

> (define a 3)

> a

> (set! a (+ 2 4))
okay ; What Scheme prints when nothing is returned

> a

> (set! a (+ a a))

> a  

The "!" in "set!" is a convention in Scheme for functions that mutate something (just like the convention that procedures ending in "?" return #t or #f).

Test Your Understanding

This looks a lot like define, but the meaning is slightly different. Define creates a new variable, while set! changes the value of an existing variable. Take a look at the code below:
(define a 10)
(define (change x)
  (define a 20)
(change 30)
What is the value of a now?

Instead, we decided to execute the following piece of code:
(define a 10)
(define (change x)
  (set! a 20)
(change 30)
What is the value of a now?

What happens if we try to set! a variable that is not defined?
(set! c 10)
Try it out on the STk interpreter.

Defining 'Withdraw' Methods

We defined the deposit method, and now lets see how to define the withdraw method. Note that the order in which these methods appear in our class definition do not matter.

(define-class (account balance)
    (method (deposit amount)
        (set! balance (+ amount balance))

    (method (withdraw amount)
        (if (< balance amount)
            "Insufficient Fund"
              (set! balance (- balance amount))

Again, withdraw is a method that takes in one argument, amount. If there is not enough money in balance, return "Insufficient Fund". Otherwise, reduce balance by amount and return the remaining balance. We are using a new special form, begin. What does it actually do?

Where Should I Begin?

Imagine if we don't use the begin special-form. What do you think will happen?

(if (< balance amount)
    "Insufficient Fund"
    (set! balance (- balance amount))

if only accepts 3 arguments: a condition, then-case, and else-case. If we don't use begin, we will have four arguments and the interpreter will throw an error. Until now, in every procedure we've evaluated only one expression, to provide the return value of that procedure. It's still the case that a procedure can only return one value. Now, though, we sometimes want to evaluate an expression for what it does instead of what it returns, e.g. changing the value of a variable. The call to begin indicates that the (set! amount (- amount balance)) and the balance together form a single argument to if.

In the next section, we'll go over how a class can inherit properties from another class.