Local States

Message Passing

The way to get things to happen in OOP is to "ask" them to do something for you. The manner in which we do this is similar to the "message passing" that we did in Lesson 6. How do we do it in OOP vocabulary?

Let's say we have two objects: Matt-Account and Brian-Account, which are instances of bank-account classes. They hold the amount of money that Matt and Brian have, respectively. (You can't type this into Scheme just yet! We are going to assume we made the objects previously.)

> (ask Matt-Account 'balance)

> (ask Brian-Account 'balance)

> (ask Matt-Account 'deposit 100)

> (ask Brian-Account 'withdraw 200)

> (ask Matt-Account 'balance)

> (ask Brian-Account 'withdraw 200)


We use the ask procedure to tell objects to carry out a certain action. In the example above, the bank account objects accepts 3 messages:

  • balance
  • deposit
  • withdraw

For each of the 3 messsages, the bank account objects know what actions need to be carried out. Notice that some messages require additional information:

  • For balance, it doesn't need any additional arguments. It returns the amount of money that account has.
> (ask Matt-Account 'balance)
  • For deposit and withdraw, we need one more argument to specify the amount we are depositing or withdrawing.
> (ask Matt-Account 'deposit 50000)

The metaphor is that an object "knows how" to do certain tasks. These tasks are called methods.

Test Your Understanding

Suppose we have a bank account for Max, and we enter the following expressions:
(ask max-account 'balance)

(define withdraw 'deposit)
What is returned from the following expression?
(ask max-account 'withdraw 100)

What if, INSTEAD of the previous expression, we call this expression:
(ask max-account withdraw 100)


Consider these calls:

> (ask matt-account 'balance)

> (ask brian-account 'balance)  

> (ask matt-account 'deposit 500)

> (ask matt-account 'balance)

> (ask matt-account 'withdraw 200)

> (ask matt-account 'balance)

> (ask brian-account 'balance)  
Test Your Understanding

We called (ask matt-account 'balance) several times, each with different values. What does this tell us about OOP?

Both matt-account and brian-account returns how much money each person has. How does Matt's actions with his account (method calls to matt-account) affect Brian's account?

OOP Paradigm vs. Functional Programming Paradigm

In the first question, we see that Matt's balance changes with each withdraw and deposit. This feels natural for us because that is how bank accounts work. But, with the functional programming paradigm that we've been using so far, we would expect the same call to return the same value.

In the OOP paradigm, the objects have state. That is, they have some knowledge about what has happened to them in the past. In this example, a bank account has a balance, which changes when you deposit or withdraw some money.

Local State Variables

In the second question, we see that although Matt has his 'balance' and Brian has his 'balance' that never interfere with each other.

In OOP jargon we say that 'balance' is a local state variable *, or *instance variable. An instance variable will have different values for different instances.

We can draw a parallel here with the definitions for

(define (square x)
    (* x x))


(define (cube x)
    (* x x x))

Both definitions use x, but they are independent.